In Part 1 of this blog, I talked about some of the basics for good housekeeping within your fly boxes. Here in Part 2, I am going to discuss two little tricks that have helped me to keep my bugs in order throughout several chaotic guiding seasons. It will take […]
Fly Fishing Ethics
*Please note these products may no longer be available to purchase on the website* The sport of fly fishing is known by many for its myriad of accessories, tiny tools and tricky gadgets. The accessory sections in most fly shops are overflowing with magnetic net holders, elastic floatant caddies, and […]
Rainbow Trout Spawning Facts These beautiful, hard fighting fish are among the most sought after trophies for fly fishermen across the west. It is hard not to appreciate the rainbow trout’s magnificence. Especially for anyone who has seen one launch out of the water towards the sky while connected to […]
For the serious western angler there is no greater prize than the elusive, predatory Salmo trutta. By Rocky Mountain trout standards, Brown trout are especially ferocious. They are notorious for their ambush tactics, darting out from under logs and overhanging vegetation to devour unsuspecting grasshoppers, fish, and even mice. These […]
Why Is A Stream Thermometer Important For Fly Fishermen? Most serious fly fishermen have a stream thermometer stashed somewhere in their vest, chest pack, or boat bag. But it seems like they seldom dig it out and actually put it to work. What many anglers (and even guides) fail to realize […]
What is the Colorado Pike Minnow? Last week I wrote about the desperate condition of our state fish, the greenback cutthroat trout. While doing research and learning about the situation, I stumbled upon some more in depth information about another Colorado native that is struggling to survive in its home […]
In part one of this article I discussed some of the basic etiquette you can do while fly fishing to make sure you are being courteous to other anglers. In this section I will go a little further and talk about some of the ways you can really go the […]
Fall has arrived here in the mountains of Colorado, and with all of the leaves changing color comes another less noticeable transformation. Many of the trout that live in our rivers and streams have begun to spawn. While rainbow trout and cutthroat trout reproduce in the spring, brook trout and […]
Over the last 10 years or so, I’ve seen a lot of improvements in fly fishing gear. Most of these changes come from advancing technology. Anglers are shown images of scientists in lab coats and safety glasses testing fly rods and fluorocarbon with computer models and graphs. This is all great […]
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