Gear Reviews

Costa Del Mar Sunglasses Review

Since 1983, Costa Del Mar has been making sunglasses designed specifically for boaters, fishermen, and outdoor enthusiasts with a focus on clarity, comfort, and durability. Their 580G lenses are the clearest sunglass lenses available today and are available in seven unique color and mirror combinations to take on any light and water conditions you may encounter. Each pair of Costa Del Mar sunglasses is built by hand in Daytona Beach, Florida to ensure that they meet their high quality standards and backed by a lifetime warranty.

580G and 580P

Costa Del Mar’s 580 series lenses offer anglers and boaters the highest level of clarity in the world and are available in both glass and plastic. The 580 lenses boost colors and contrast by blocking out yellow light at 580 nm, and reduces haze and blur by blocking out blue light 400 nm on the visible light spectrum. Higher contrast and reduced blur are two things that fly fishermen everywhere can appreciate. With the Costa Del Mar 580 lenses, you will have an easier time sighting fish, tracking your fly, and seeing insects than ever before. These are advantages that really can help you catch more fish.

400G and 400P

For those who want the legendary Costa Del Mar clarity and quality at a more affordable price, there is the 400 series lenses, which are still available in both glass and plastic. The 400 lenses still offer supreme clarity, 100% UV blockage, and 100% polarization for total eye comfort, but without the same color and contrast enhancing features as the lenses in the 580 series.

Glass vs. Plastic

When choosing between glass and plastic lenses, it is important to recognize the main differences between the two. Glass lenses offer superior clarity and scratch resistance, but are usually heavier than plastic lenses. Plastic lenses are lighter and more comfortable to wear all day long, but are much more vulnerable to scratches. The other main difference is that most plastic lenses are highly impact resistant, whereas glass lenses are not. It is important to know where and how you will be using them and weight the benefits of both options before choosing. For example, saltwater anglers who need to see fish coming from far away might want the clarity of glass lenses, and trout fishermen who spend the day casting streamers and split shot in confined spaces might like the added safety of plastic.


Costa Del Mar has taken a big step towards looking after our beloved oceans by starting their KICK PLASTIC initiative. Even though many of their products are made from plastic, Costa Del Mar is working hard to reduce the amount of plastic that they use in their packaging and looking for ways to use recycled materials throughout their manufacturing process. When you buy a pair of Costa’s, you are buying from people who love the water and want to do everything possible to take care of it.

Overall, Costa Del Mar sunglasses are some of the finest shades you can buy. They offer unbeatable clarity and polarization so that your eyes stay comfortable and protected all day long in a wide range of lighting situations. If you are in the market for new sunglasses this summer and have not yet tried on a pair of Costa Del Mars, do yourself a favor and stop by Vail Valley Anglers in Edwards, Colorado to check them out. You will notice the incredible quality and clarity right away.

Andy “Otter” Smith, Guide and Content Writer

