One of the most critical aspects of fly fishing and often one of the easiest to overlook is the fly line itself. Anglers regularly look to their fly rod for casting performance. When that falls short, they reach for the rod rack to alleviate their lack of proficiency. In reality the heavily abused, dirty and cracking fly line is the culprit. However this is a problem that is easily corrected with the purchase of a new Scientific Anglers Amplitude smooth fly line.
Scientific Anglers has developed a line of high performance fly lines that excel in a variety of techniques. The incorporation of AST Plus technology into the SA Amplitude series of fly lines enhances durability. Vail Valley Anglers stocks a tremendous variety of SA fly lines to cover any application or adventure you have planned. Let me list 5 reasons you should choose Scientific Anglers Amplitude smooth fly line for your rod.
Scientific Anglers Amplitude smooth fly line incorporates multiple facets of high performance technology into one easy casting line. The addition of AST Plus, SA’s proprietary slickness component, results in a fly line that casts with deliberate intention no matter what range. The ability to cast with effortless ease increases the control a fly angler needs to place flies with accuracy. Multiple Vail Valley Anglers Guides rely solely on the guaranteed performance Scientific Anglers lines provide.
SA has designed the Amplitude smooth fly line to cover a large number of fly fishing applications. Vail Valley Anglers Guides use the SA lines for their client rods for a reason. The Amplitude smooth line casts small dry flies with intuitive accuracy and a delicately soft touch. The same line can deliver weighted nymph rigs with an equal amount of ease. However it is with streamers where the elongated head turns over flies of considerable weight. Versatile is the best way to describe the SA Amplitude smooth fly line. Able to cast dry flies, nymphs and streamers the SA Amplitude performs flawlessly.
The incorporation of the AST technology into the SA Amplitude fly line provides the same slickness to your casting on day 100 as you did when the line came out of the box. The slickness achieved in the SA amplitude line is not merely a surface conditioning. Rather, it is a component that is present throughout the entire fly line surrounding the braided core. As the line wears from repeated use the AST technology continues to provide cast assisting slickness for the life of the line. Professional Guides cannot afford to replace lines too frequently.
The performance achieved with the SA Amplitude smooth fly line is exceptional to put it bluntly. The Amplitude smooth fly line can cover any application an angler desires. All the way from presenting dry flies with pinpoint ease to nymphing deep runs effortlessly and casting heavy streamers in high water. When technical waters call on shallow water nymph rigs for educated trout Amplitude delivers. And for the ever popular choice for summer time fly fishing the Dry-Dropper presentation becomes an easy to cast and manageable technique. The Scientific Anglers Amplitude line can do it all. The confidence achieved with the SA Amplitude lines allows Vail Valley Anglers’ Guides to concentrate on the hatch and not the performance of their fly line.
When you comb through all of the technical aspects of Scientific Anglers Amplitude fly line you are left with a very impressive list of attributes. A line that possesses these performance components delivers a high degree of pleasure into your fishing where other lines fall short. Rather than struggle to turn over your long leader and weighted nymphs the Amplitude smooth fly line increases the ease with which you present your nymphs. When managing your line is easier your pleasure increases. Vail Valley Anglers Guides take advantage of the pleasure factor SA fly lines deliver.
What does all this translate into for the everyday angler? Scientific Anglers Amplitude smooth is a purposeful line to cover any application a fly fisher desires, a workingman’s line. Vail Valley Anglers’ Guides know you can utilize a versatile fly line to make any presentation with ease, insuring a pleasurable day on the water. Knowing you have this kind of versatility prevents the necessity of having to return to your truck to retrieve another rig just because the bite went subsurface.
Michael Salomone