Simms G3 Guide Boot Review

The Simms G3 Guide Boot new for 2014 has turned out to be my favorite new boot in many years.  The Simms G3 boot delivers on so many levels that it is difficult to single out one feature but, I would have to vote for the new sole design as my stand out.  The concept of proprioception really does provide a superior platform for a wading shoe and adds an element of comfort to the boot that I have yet to experience elsewhere.  I fish lots of rivers with huge boulders in the bottom and have noticed additional performance compared to others with the way that the G3 Boot grips the rocks.  Of course adding studs to anything makes it grip even better.  The construction of the boot seems bomber and I especially enjoy the toe cap being all one piece.  This is not the lightest boot on the market but that does not concern me because for local fishing and fishing from a boat, weight is not a concern.  I have been amazed at the technology that is being delivered in todays modern fly fishing equipment and Simms obviously continues to lead the way.

You can find the Simms G3 wading boot here and have the confidence that I actually own this boot and have fished it.  If you have any questions give us a call or visit the web site at 

John Cochran – GM