Gear Reviews

Smith Chromapop Review

Sighting fish can be hard. Sighting fish without polarized sunglasses can be almost impossible. Anglers all over the world rely on their sunglasses not only to cut glare and shield their eyes from the sun’s damaging ultraviolet rays. But, also to enhance their vision and help them sight fish in a variety of water and light conditions. For fly fishermen, our shades are one much more than some tinted plastic and cool frames. They are one of the most important pieces of gear we own, and trying to fish without them can be frustrating and dangerous. Gear heads and tech savvy fly fishermen know that constant changes are being made in the sunglass lens arena and that lens quality has improved greatly over the years. One of the most significant advancements in lens technology to date is Chromapop, by Smith Optics. These new lenses are stronger, lighter, and clearer than any other lenses on the market, but all of that is only a small part of what makes these so special. The real advantage is in Smith’s new proprietary lens technology, which optimizes color and improves speed of visual processing in a way that no other lenses can.

Film Free Polarizing

Most polarized sunglass lenses have a polarizing coating that is applied using glue that, in many cases, slightly distorts our vision. Smith has found a way to polarize the lenses without using glue for a clearer view.

Super Lightweight

Chromapop lenses are extremely light. To be exact, they are 10% lighter than polycarbonate lenses, 15% lighter than CR-39 lenses, and 75% lighter than glass. Ask any sunscreen covered fly fisherman on an 85 degree day in south Florida why this matters and they will tell you that every gram counts when the heat is on.

Hydroleophobic Coating

Sweat, sunscreen, fingerprints, and driving rain all seem to find their way onto my sunglass lenses in no time at all. Freshly cleaned sunglasses never seem to last. All Smith Chromapop lenses come with their hydroleophobic coating. This coating repels dirt, grease, and water which means more time fishing, and less time cleaning your lenses.

Chromapop Technology

All visible light is composed of green, red, and blue light. It is where these color wavelengths cross that “color confusion” occurs. Smith Optic’s Chromapop technology reduces color confusion and helps the user’s brain recognize true colors faster. By filtering out these color wavelengths where they intersect. With Chromapop lenses, blue is seen as blue, green is seen as green, and red is seen as red. I have tried the Chromapop lenses on the water and can say that they are noticeably better, and will be especially helpful to outdoor enthusiasts who need clarity and perfect vision.

After fishing with a pair of Smith sunglasses with Chromapop lenses. I can assure you that this new technology is not just another gimmick. Images are clearer and colors are more vivid. Visit Vail Valley Anglers and try on a pair. Make sure to step outside to really see the difference for yourself.

Andy “Otter” Smith, Guide and Content Writer

