The caddis hatch is over, the mayflies are dwindling down, and it is officially time for terrestrials in #troutcountry. The month of August marks the most productive time to consistently catch trout on terrestrial patterns, especially grasshoppers. And the best part about throwing hoppers is that you can improve your […]
dry fly
Often overshadowed by the Salmon Fly and Golden Stone hatch the Green Drake hatch is one of the most notary bug hatches in the west. Many anglers refer to Green Drakes as “trout candy,” because when these bugs begin to hatch, it triggers an all-out feeding frenzy. The trout key […]
Here are the top two tailwater fisheries to float fish for trout in the west and everything you need to know to float them.
As the PMD hatch peters off, my buddy informs me that he’s having success with his Top Secret Midge rig. I fumble through three fly boxes and finally locate a lonely size 22 in that pattern. A little annoyed, I scour the boxes a second time. I know I have […]
The dry fly fishing on the local Colorado rivers has been on fire lately. The fish have spread out into their summer runs, the bug hatches are thick and the fish are actively slurping bugs. It’s the worst when you arrive at your favorite fishing hole and you can’t find […]
*Please note this product may no longer be available to purchase on the website* Last week, I got the chance to try out Sage’s new MOD Fly Rod, and I immediately felt this was an all-purpose fly rod ideal for fly fishing for trout. The MOD is built specifically for […]
Even while the snow is flying and the daytime temperatures are stuck in the low twenties, trout fishermen everywhere are gearing up for the upcoming spring fishing season by reloading their depleted fly boxes with some of their favorite and most effective spring patterns. If you want to join the […]
Clients in my boat often ask me which floatant I think works best and why and fly fishing dry fly floatant is no exception. Every guide has their own answer, but most often it is some variation on the same theme. The most common practice is to use some wet […]
Fly fishing the life cycle of the caddis hatch begins by realizing that the most important food source in western rivers is the caddis fly. They are a year-round food source with populations higher than mayflies and stoneflies in most streams. This includes the Eagle River and Roaring Fork River, […]
At Vail Valley Anglers, we are fortunate enough to have access to several rivers which provide fairly predictable insect emergences each summer. While the timing and intensity of these hatches may vary from year to year, each one brings it own unique fly fishing challenges and rewards. Now is the […]
As October weather cools down, and it cools quickly in Vail, Colorado at 8,000 feet above sea level, local water temperatures correspondingly decline. Descending water temperatures can help make fly fishing and fly selection a less complicated task during autumn. When fishing our local rivers like the Arkansas River, Blue […]
Blue-Winged Olive Mayfly, Fly Fisherman’s Nemesis or Nirvana? While fly fishing my beloved Colorado River Blue-Winged Olive mayfly hatch, I have witnessed numerous clients struggle with catching fish consistently during the annual spring and fall mayfly hatches. Did we have the right size, shape and color of the natural? Was […]
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