November and 60-degree temperatures do not fare well for the ski runs. However, rivers flowing through Colorado ski country around Vail, Beaver Creek, and Aspen are in great shape. Cool evenings, bright moonlit nights and Indian summer daytime temperatures have therefore combined to create some stellar fly fishing opportunities for […]
fall fishing
As long summer days change slowly into dark cold nights, trout prepare for winter. Brook and Brown trout dress up in spawning colors and Rainbows follow the migration. The change in seasons brings a change in fly fishing tactics as well. Adjusting your tactics will allow you to continue […]
Monthly Guide to Colorado Fly Fishing As winter sets in and this year’s fishing comes to an end, it is time to start planning your Colorado fly fishing trips for every month of the new year. Colorado offers excellent fly fishing for trout every month of the year and the […]
Fall in the Colorado Rockies brings some of the year’s best fishing for trophy sized trout. This year Halloween falls at a time when the fly fishing here at Vail Valley Anglers is still going strong. The best trout flies this time of year are usually streamers and nymphs. But, […]
Late fall is one of the best times of the year for Colorado anglers to enjoy fly fishing our best streams and we are lucky to have five of the top trout rivers nearby. The leaves have all fallen, the water is low and clear, and most importantly, even the […]
Colorado is home to a unique salmon species called the Kokanee. For fly fishermen, these fish offer excellent and unique fall fishing opportunities. These landlocked salmon are close relatives to the Pacific sockeye salmon. They have a similar reproductive process that includes migrating upstream into moving water to spawn. This […]
Fall fly fishing tips in Colorado revolve around a few simple issues. When autumn sets and the leaves begin showing brighter colors, all trout respond to the cooler water temperatures and the typically low and clear river conditions. While the major summer hatches have diminished, with blue-wing olive mayflies and […]
At Vail Valley Anglers, we normally focus our efforts on our usual quarry of brown trout and rainbows with the occasional bonus catches of brook trout and cutthroats. For anglers looking to do battle with a truly large freshwater predator, fall is a great time to look for alternative species that grow […]
Blue-Winged Olive Mayfly, Fly Fisherman’s Nemesis or Nirvana? While fly fishing my beloved Colorado River Blue-Winged Olive mayfly hatch, I have witnessed numerous clients struggle with catching fish consistently during the annual spring and fall mayfly hatches. Did we have the right size, shape and color of the natural? Was […]
The Trout’s Ugly Cousin: An Ode to the Whitefish Fly fishermen are well known for our dedication to wild or native, beautiully spotted fish called trout. Rainbows, browns, cutthroats or brookies, it doesn’t matter, we love them all. There is another Colorado native that some anglers mistakenly look down upon. […]
Time for a Fall Road Trip? Now that fall is officially here and the kids are back in school, many anglers take time off of work, pack their bags, and hit the road. In resort towns like Vail, Colorado, things have slowed down and after fishing local rivers all summer, […]
Many fly fisherman feel the Colorado River fishes best when fall arrives. My experience as a float fishing guide on the river since the mid- eighties is that the Colorado River conditions are the most consistent during the fall season, namely late September, October and early November. A side benefit […]
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