For the past three years, my friend Sly and I have talked about getting a fishing trip to Florida in the books. During the coldest winter months when other angling opportunities slowed like the rivers around us, our conversations would turn serious and detailed. When the weather was more favorable, […]
flats fishing
3 posts
I have spent my whole life as a trout fisherman. I have caught trout in almost every corner of the Rocky Mountains, but until recently, I had never tried my hand at salt water fly fishing. My first trip to the inshore flats of the Caribbean took place a couple […]
What Are Some Good Winter Fly Fishing Trips? As this bog is being written, the thermometer is hovering around -10 degrees at the Vail Valley Anglers fly shop in Edwards, CO. Winter in Vail Valley has set in and while the early season skiing conditions are great, it is a […]
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