Choosing the right tippet is a crucial step in fly fishing for anglers targeting everything from trout to tarpon. Tippet is your final connection between you and the fish. With so many sizes and types of tippet available, it can be easy to make a mistake. For instance heavy fluorocarbon […]
3 posts
*Please note some of these products may no longer be available to purchase on our website* Fly fishing Terminal tackle could possibly be the least exciting thing there is to buy in a fly shop. It is often times not easy to tell the difference between certain brands, and after […]
Just over a decade ago, there was only one choice of leader and tippet material for anglers to use. Monofilament got the job done then and still works today. With the introduction of fluorocarbon into the fishing industry, fly fishermen now have a second option for adding tippet to leaders […]
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