I won’t be the first to admit this. And I definitely won’t be the last. But I love the Frying Pan River. It’s not because the fishing is easy (most would agree it’s far from that). It’s not because there are thousands of trout, some of which are trophy specimens […]
One fellow guide once said to me, “I don’t like streamer fishing because there’s not much to it. You don’t have to break down the entomology, read the water, crack that code that you normally have to when fishing dry flies or nymphs. You just chuck a heavy fly on […]
If I asked you to name all four National Parks located in Colorado, could you do it? The first one is easy and by far the most popular. Rocky Mountain National Park. And then there’s the Great Sand Dunes. Again, pretty well known. But the third and fourth are a […]
Colorado, much like it’s neighboring states Wyoming and Utah is known for quality trout fly fishing. Most people that come to Colorado to experience fly fishing, go trout fishing. The rivers and lakes, for the most part, are chock-full of trout. In the local angling community, most of us start […]
Adventuring and fly fishing. If you ask me, they are two peas in a pod. And although they share numerous characteristics, there is one common thread that shines through. What motivates someone to hike the extra mile into unknown territory? What is the driving force behind an angler’s desire to […]
As the PMD hatch peters off, my buddy informs me that he’s having success with his Top Secret Midge rig. I fumble through three fly boxes and finally locate a lonely size 22 in that pattern. A little annoyed, I scour the boxes a second time. I know I have […]
Have you looked around the Vail Valley lately? Evidence is popping up all around. Being keen observers of our natural environment, we are all seeing the signs of fall coming early to trout country. From bugs and bears to brown trout and berries, the signs of an early autumn in […]
Lakes, ponds and reservoirs hold a lot of big trout and choosing the best stillwater fly patterns can be a challenge for many anglers who normally fish moving water. Spring runoff has begun in the Colorado high country and anglers looking to put a bend in their rods would be […]
Fall in the Colorado Rockies brings some of the year’s best fishing for trophy sized trout. This year Halloween falls at a time when the fly fishing here at Vail Valley Anglers is still going strong. The best trout flies this time of year are usually streamers and nymphs. But, […]
The month of May and June can be a challenging time for anglers. High winds, drastic temperature variances, and high water caused by sudden snow melt all combine to make fishing with a fly rod harder and more unpredictable. These tough conditions cause many fishermen put their rods away for […]
The Delaney Butte lakes, near Walden, Colorado offer anglers fantastic spring fly fishing. Fly fisherman who visit the three Delaney Butte Lakes can fish a chironomid midge hatch that is so thick you can hear them buzzing as they swarm on shore. The best time to fish these three north […]
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