Let’s be honest. Fly fishing is a gear intensive endeavour. For the average individual looking to get into the sport, this circumstance can be a little intimidating. There’s rods, reels, knot tying gadgets, specialized clothing, high tech sunglasses, 50 types of fishing line and a laundry list of other accessories […]
A good pair of polarized sunglasses is a fundamental piece of equipment that provides not only an edge to catch more fish but is a vital piece of safety equipment. Choosing a pair of sunglasses can be an intimidating task, the sunglasses market is saturated with various brands, all sorts […]
Every angler has certain pieces of fly fishing gear they can’t live without. We’re not talking about the obvious array of stocked fly boxes, rods or waders. Certain tools, accessories,or pieces of fly fishing clothing, however, can make a day on the water more successful and enjoyable. After many years […]
Choosing the Right Sunglasses It should be considered common knowledge that sunglasses are a required piece of vital fly fishing equipment. However, lens color also plays a critical role in fly fishing success. A pair of sunglasses first job is functioning as an important safety tool. When hooks are flying […]
Sighting fish can be hard. Sighting fish without polarized sunglasses can be almost impossible. Anglers all over the world rely on their sunglasses not only to cut glare and shield their eyes from the sun’s damaging ultraviolet rays. But, also to enhance their vision and help them sight fish in […]
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