In the past year, I relocated from Vail, Colorado up to Portland, Oregon. I’m lucky enough to have access to dozens of quality steelhead and salmon fisheries. After decades of trout fly fishing, the transition to steelhead fly fishing has been quite the learning experience. There is a big learning curve. It seems like you have…
Before I discovered my passion for fly fishing, I was a diehard spinner fisherman. A diehard is defined as “a person who strongly opposes change or who continues to support something in spite of opposition.” For me back then, the ‘opposition’ was the world of fly fishing itself. I was […]
If I asked you to name all four National Parks located in Colorado, could you do it? The first one is easy and by far the most popular. Rocky Mountain National Park. And then there’s the Great Sand Dunes. Again, pretty well known. But the third and fourth are a […]
Who doesn’t love late summer fly fishing when we can tie on a giant size 6 hopper pattern only to watch a big fish race out of a cut bank and suck down your fly? On the local rivers here in Colorado we see grasshoppers throughout the riparian zones starting […]
Throughout a shift at the fly shop I often hear questions like: “What’s working?” and my answer varies throughout the day. Sometimes it’s a suggestion on fly selection or pretty often I will suggest: “Try fishing with two flies.” Followed by a blank stare from the customer, an awkward pause […]
There’s probably no such thing as a truly ‘easy’ fish, but some fish make themselves easier to catch than others. Some fish hold in obvious spots, while others hold in water that the angler may not think to fish at first glance. Reading the Water Many years ago now, I […]
Sight Fishing Fly Fishing Tips Sight fishing is the most exciting way to catch trout while fly fishing. It is late afternoon and you have crept out of the office an hour early to fish on the way home. You are standing a just few steps from your truck, thirty […]
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